The CarettaLab works at the intersection of atomically-precise thin film growth, electronic and magnetic device design, and materials characterization. Our work is inherently multidisciplinary and collaborative. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals through impactful and stimulating scientific training

We are always looking for motivated students and postdocs who are eager to learn. Interested in joining or learning more?

Postdocs: Please email Prof. Caretta a short description of your research interests and what you hope to learn in the CarettaLab. Attach your CV and 1-2 publications.

Graduate Students: Please email Prof. Caretta a short description of your research interests and your CV. Please apply to the Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program.

Undergraduate Students: If you are a current undergraduate student at Brown (or from another university), please email Prof. Caretta a short description of your research interests and attach your CV.